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Apprentice and Technician Awards

2024 nominations are now open

Nominate someone today

Learn more about the three categories below

Engineering and Technology Apprentice

Award for an apprentice on an IET Accredited Apprenticeship to recognise someone you are proud of, who stands out for their passion and has been making achievements in their apprenticeship. 

We'd love to hear about apprentices who are role models to others and are passionate about promoting engineering to the world.


  • The engineering apprentice should be on an IET Accredited Apprenticeship scheme and making outstanding contributions towards their employer or operational area
  • Tell us what they have achieved, why they should win, and about any ambassadorial STEM activities, they have been part of.

Engineering and Technology Technician

Award for a technician in an engineering and technology technical support role to recognise the exceptional contribution to the profession with emphasis on how they have demonstrated commitment to engineering or technology through their technical and professional development.


  • Evidence of your nominee’s contribution with emphasis on how they have demonstrated outstanding engineering or technical understanding and ability in the workplace will be needed to complete the nomination
  • Nominations are welcome for engineering technicians in supporting roles within the engineering, technology or academic sectors around the world, including United Kingdom MOD civil servants

Armed Forces Technician Award 

Award for an Armed Forces engineering technician to recognise their engineering contribution to the profession.


  • Nominees must be serving members of the UK Armed Forces.
  • Tell us why your nominee deserves to win, and how they have shown engineering or technical understanding and ability in the workplace.

Please note: Do not include classified information in the report.

Where possible, please use a personal email address and personal computer to access the nomination platform to prevent problems from military firewalls. If you are still unable to access the nomination platform please contact or download a copy of the form.


  • Trophy
  • Certificate
  • £1,000
  • Two years of free IET membership.