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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We're a diverse organisation and have much to be proud of, but we are also challenging ourselves to ensure that Diversity and Inclusion is hardwired into everything we do.

If we get it right, it will be evident in how we work with our members, our people and our partners.

See what we're doing to make a more equal, diverse and inclusive profession - and how you can get involved - below.

Inclusive thinking? Pass it on!

What are you doing to embed inclusive thinking across engineering and technology? Share your tips, insights and hacks - and help us pass it on!

Inclusion is critical for success, yet only 16.5% of the engineering workforce are women (Engineering UK, 2022) and only 3 in 10 engineering organisations have taken action to improve the diversity of their engineering and technical workforce (IET Skills and Demand in Industry Survey, 2021).

Embedding inclusion in your workplace may seem like a huge task, but sometimes small changes can make big impacts. That’s why we’ve launched this campaign - to make embedding inclusion as easy as possible.

Submit your inclusive thinking tips

IET EDI - A year in review

As part of our continued development, we commit to publicly review our EDI activities and progress annually.

Neurodiversity Member Network

Our Neurodiversity Member Network is open to all IET members and offers peer-to-peer support for neurodivergent engineers and technicians, as well as an opportunity to share your experiences, needs and concerns with our internal EDI team. You’ll meet like-minded people and have a chance to create real change for neurodivergent people across engineering and technology communities.

If you would like to become a member or learn more about the network, please email

We’ve joined forces with WISE

The pursuit of gender equality in STEM, especially in the UK, is a key focus of ours – which is why we’re proud to be working closely with the Women into Science and Engineering (WISE) Campaign to accelerate this endeavour.

Only 29% of the current UK STEM workforce is made up of women, according to government statistics from 2023, and we want that to hit at least 35% by 2030.

Check out what WISE have been working on to drive forward change in this space.

We're a proud member of the Association For Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers

AFBE-UK promotes higher achievements in education and engineering particularly among people from black and minority ethnicity (BME) backgrounds.

We're a Disability Confident Employer

At the IET, we’re committed to drawing from the widest pool of talent available. Our Disability Confident Employer status helps us to ensure we are creating an environment where all of our colleagues can bring their whole selves to work and feel supported.

We’re a Stonewall Diversity Champion

We believe in the power of a workplace that is truly equal, which is why we’re thrilled to be a part of the Diversity Champions programme – the leading employers’ programme for ensuring all LGBT staff are accepted without exception in the workplace.

Stonewall are Europe’s largest lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) charity, so their expertise on how to encourage inclusive and accepting environments (and the insights of fellow programme members) is invaluable to us.

We’re a Business Disability Forum Member

Learning from other organisations and receiving expert advice and support is critical to our continued commitment to inclusion, which is why we’re proud to play our part in creating a disability-smart world as a member of the Business Disability Forum, a group of over 550 of the UK’s largest business, brands, public sector employers and SMEs.